This would be a very short post (approx 2min read). I recently wanted to abstract away a functionality that we had to use for multiple React components. I decided that I will write it using React hooks. Only issue is that we had a lot of legacy class components that needed the same functionality. So that would mean:
Rewrite all components to functional components - Big NO NO
Duplicate the same logic in both hooks and hoc format. But what do we say to code duplication? Not today!
After tinkering around a bit I came up with the following hack that allows me to write my logic as a hook and have great fallback option for class components in the form of a HOC.
We will take a simple example for this post. Lets say we have a hook as follows:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
// Hook for functional components
export const useCountry = () => {
const [country] = useState('IN')
return country
Now to make it work with a class components let add a HOC that uses this hook.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
// Hook for functional components
export const useCountry = () => {
const [country] = useState('IN')
return country
// HOC for class components
export const withCountry = (Component) => {
return (props) => {
const country = useCountry()
return <Component {...props} country={country} />
For a functional component you could do:
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const country = useCountry()
return (
<div> Hi, I am from </div>
export default MyComponent
And for a class component you would do:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
const { country } = this.props
return (
<div> Hi, I am from </div>
export default withCountry(MyComponent)
This simple trick allows you to use the same hook with class components (as a HOC 🤨)
Hope this helps 🎉